
The first thing you probably want to know when you send a campaign is how many people the campaign was sent to and how many people opened it. Pulsate displays a number of stats so that you can see at a glance how successful your campaign has been. The purpose of this guide is to outline what each of those statistics means so that you get a better understanding of how your campaign is performing.

The Campaign Stats page can be accessed by clicking on the 'View' button in the Report column on the Campaign Stats view (under the Analyze tab in the left navigation panel) and the Campaign list-view.


Campaign Statistics divided into four parts:
Campaign Statistics Dashboard, Campaign Statistics (Tiles), Campaign Performance, Goals Performance


Campaign Statistics Dashboard

Each Campaign has a main dashboard that shows, Campaign Status, Campaign Name, Campaign Start Date, Campaign End Date, Campaign TimeZone, Campaign Type, Target, Campaign Primary Goal, Campaign Secondary Goal, Sent, Control Group and device Emulator

Statistics NameStatistics Description
Campaign StatusThe current campaign status. Scheduled/Active/Paused/Delivered
Campaign NameIt shows the campaign name
Start DateCampaign start date and time
End DateCampaign end date and time (optional if selected)
TimezoneThe TimeZone of the campaign created
Campaign TypeCampaign type (Push, In-app, Card, SMS, Email)
TargetOptions chosen in the Target sections (Segment, Geofence, Beacon, Event)
Primary GoalPrimary conversion goal for the campaign
Secondary GoalSecondary conversion goal for the campaign (optional, if selected)
SentThe number of sent campaigns
Control GroupControl group the percentage of users who will not receive the campaign (optional if selected)
Device EmulatorThat shows how the campaign would look on the user device

Campaign Statistics (Tiles)

Each campaign has its own statistics.

Push Campaign

Push Stats NamePush Stats Description
SentTotal number of unique campaigns sent
Total OpensTotal number of campaign interactions
Total Open RatePercentage of the total sent vs total open
Unique opensThe total number of the unique campaign opens

In-App Campaign

In-App Stats NameIn-App Stats Desciption
SentTotal number of unique campaigns sent
Total OpensTotal number of campaign interactions
Total Open RateTotal opens divided by total sends
Unique opensThe total number of the unique campaign opens

Card (appears in the feed)

Card Stats NameCad Stats Description
SentTotal number of unique campaigns sent
Total OpensTotal number of campaign interactions
Total Open RateTotal opens divided by total sends
Unique opensThe total number of the unique campaign opens

Card + Push Campaign

Card+Push Stats NameCard+Push Stats Description
SentTotal number of unique campaigns sent
ClicksTotal number of campaign clicks
Clicks RateTotal clicks divided by total opens
ImpressionsTotal number of campaign impressions
Total OpensTotal number of campaign interactions
Open RateTotal opens divided by total sends

Card + In-App Campaign

Card+InApp Stats NameCard+InApp Stats Description
SentTotal number of unique campaigns sent
ClicksTotal number of campaign clicks
Clicks RateTotal clicks divided by total opens
ImpressionsTotal number of campaign impressions
Total OpensTotal number of campaign interactions
Open RateTotal opens divided by total sends

Campaign Performance

Push Campaign

Push Stats NamePush Stats Description
SentTotal number of unique campaigns sent
OpenNumber of campaign interactions
Unique OpensThe total number of the unique campaign opens

In-App Campaign

InApp Stats NameInApp Stats Description
SentTotal number of unique campaigns sent
OpenNumber of campaign interactions
Unique OpensThe total number of the unique campaign opens

Card (appears in the feed)

Card Stats NameCard Stats Description
SentTotal number of unique campaigns sent
ClicksTotal number of campaign clicks
ImpressionsTotal number of campaign impressions
Unique ClicksTotal number of unique clicks
Unique ImpressionsTotal number of unique impressions
Click RateTotal clicks divided by total opens

Card + Push Campaign

Card+Push Stats NameCard+Push Stats Description
SentTotal number of unique campaigns sent
OpenNumber of campaign interactions
ClicksTotal number of campaign clicks
ImpressionsTotal number of campaign impressions
Unique OpensThe total number of the unique campaign opens
Unique ClicksTotal number of unique clicks
Unique ImpressionsTotal number of unique impressions
Click RateTotal clicks divided by total opens

Card + In-App Campaign

Card+InApp Stats NameCard+InApp Stats Description
SentTotal number of unique campaigns sent
OpenNumber of campaign interactions
ClicksTotal number of campaign clicks
ImpressionsTotal number of campaign impressions
Unique OpensThe total number of the unique campaign opens
Unique ClicksTotal number of unique clicks
Unique ImpressionsTotal number of unique impressions
Click RateTotal clicks divided by total opens

Goals Performance

Each Campaign Push Campaign, In-App Campaign, Card (appears in the feed), Card + Push Campaign and Card + In-App Campaign has performance goals

Conversion GoalName of the conversion goal
Conversion RateThe number of times a goal was completed divided by the number of users who had the opportunity to complete the goal
Secondary Conversion Goal (Optional, If Selected)Name of the conversion goal
Secondary Conversion Rate (Optional, If Selected)The number of times a goal was completed divided by the number of users who had the opportunity to complete the goal
Control GroupPercentage of total potential recipients who won't receive the campaign