Conversion Goals
Please note that all campaigns must have a Conversion Goal. For more information on setting up Pulsate campaigns, please click here
Adding a Conversion Goal
When you start to build any Pulsate campaign, you will be directed to the Setup page first where you can name the campaign and set up at least one conversion goal for that campaign.

Setup Conversion Goals
You must add a name for your campaign and at least one conversion goal before you can proceed. A conversion goal can be either one of the following:
App Open | The user opens the app within a specified period of time after receiving the campaign. |
In App Event | The user carries out a specific action in the app within a specified period of time after receiving the campaign. For more information on setting up in app events, see our Android and iOS guides. |
To setup the Primary Goal, click on the Select Conversion Goal dropdown and either choose to select an app open or an in app event to be tracked. You can quickly search for in app events by clicking the search box and entering some or all of the name of the event. Once you have chosen what conversion goal should be tracked, you need to setup a period of time for the conversion goal to be tracked. You can setup the goal to be tracked for a period of hours or days.

Add a Primary Goal
Conversion Time
Please note that the tracking time period will start when each user receives the campaign. If, for example, you set the tracking period to two days, each user will have two days to carry out the event after receiving the campaign.
Adding a Secondary Conversion Goal
Pulsate also allows you to add an optional secondary conversion goal for your campaign. Just like the primary goal, the secondary goal can also be based on the user opening the app or carrying out an event in your app within a specific time period. Please note that if you add a primary and secondary conversion goal, both conversion events will be tracked separately and the user is not required to carry out the primary event before the secondary event.
To add a secondary conversion goal, click the Add Secondary beside the primary goal. You will now be able to specify the secondary conversion goal and the time period in exactly the same manner as adding them for the primary conversion goal.

Adding a Secondary Conversion Goal
Adding a Control Group
You can also add an optional control group to your campaign. If you add a control group, Pulsate will also track the conversion goal for users who did not receive the campaign. This allows you to track the conversion goal uplift of users who received the campaign and carried out the conversion event versus users who did not receive the campaign. To add a control group, toggle on Enable Control Group field and you can specify what percentage of users should not receive the campaign. For more information on Control Groups, please click here.

Adding a Control Group
Editing a Conversion Goal
You can edit the conversion goal for your campaign at any time before the campaign is activated and becomes a live campaign. To edit the campaign, click Set Up in the navigation bar and you will be able to update the name of the campaign, the primary and secondary conversion goals, and the control group.
Editing Conversion Goals
Please note that it is not possible to edit a conversion goal once the campaign has been activated and it has become a live campaign. You can edit the conversion goal at any time when you are setting up the campaign or if it is a draft or scheduled campaign.
Reviewing Conversion Goals
Before you send a campaign, you can check the conversion goals and control group that you setup on the campaign review screen. If you wish to edit any of these values, press the Edit button.

Campaign Review
Tracking Conversion Goals
As soon as your campaign is activated and begins sending to customers, Pulsate will begin tracking how many users carry out the conversion events within the specified time period.
For more detailed conversion goals and control group stats, navigate to the stats page for each campaign. You can access that page by clicking View either on the Campaigns page or the Campaign Stats page. Here you will be able to view the performance of the primary and secondary conversion goals as well as how many users in the control group also carried out either of the conversion events.

Exporting Conversion Goal Data
From the campaign view page, you can export a CSV file that contains all of the key stats for that campaign like the Opens, Sends, Conversion goal rate, etc. From the campaign list screen, you can also export a CSV file that lists the number of users who were sent the campaign and any users in the control group who were not sent the campaign.