The Pulsate SDK supports language localization for the static Feed and UI elements. Static text elements refers to any text within Pulsate that is not configurable within the campaign builder.
We've prepared all needed packages for you, so all you have to do is replace the strings that you want to localize.
You can also use this feature to customize the English language to anything you wish.
To localize/customize any language, please find the PULPulsateBasic.bundle and PULStrings.bundle inside. Select the folder with the language that interests you and edit the PULStrings file. Please be careful when doing so, not to change the keys, only values, and keep the correct syntax.
Translating to Polish Example
In order to translate "Reply" into Polish, please enter the pl.lproj folder and edit the file inside from:
"reply_button_label" = "Reply";
"reply_button_label" = "Odpowiedz";
List of all changeable strings:
"%d days ago" = "%d days ago";
"%d hours ago" = "%d hours ago";
"%d minutes ago" = "%d minutes ago";
"%d months ago" = "%d months ago";
"%d seconds ago" = "%d seconds ago";
"%d weeks ago" = "%d weeks ago";
"%d years ago" = "%d years ago";
"A minute ago" = "A minute ago";
"An hour ago" = "An hour ago";
"Just now" = "Just now";
"Last month" = "Last month";
"Last week" = "Last week";
"Last year" = "Last year";
"Yesterday" = "Yesterday";
"1 year ago" = "1 year ago";
"1 month ago" = "1 month ago";
"1 week ago" = "1 week ago";
"1 day ago" = "1 day ago";
"This morning" = "This morning";
"This afternoon" = "This afternoon";
"Today" = "Today";
"This week" = "This week";
"This month" = "This month";
"This year" = "This year";
"reply_button_label" = "Reply";
"new_message_button_label" = "New Message";
"new_messages_button_label" = "New Messages";
"new_updates" = "New Updates";
"no_internet_user_deleted_error" = "User deleted.";
"no_internet_server_error" = "Unable to Connect. Swipe down to Retry.";
"no_internet_send_message_error" = "Unable to Connect. Try again later.";
"view_conversation_button_label" = "View Conversation";
"select_subject_label"= "Please select a subject";
"write_a_message_hint"= "Write a message...";
"give_your_message_a_subject" = "Give your message a subject so\nit's easier to organize.";
"sent_a_message" = "sent a message";
"replied_to_your" = "replied to your message";
"send_button" = "SEND";
"new_card_label" = "New Card";
"feed_title_label"= "Feed";
"new_message_title_label"= "New Message";
"subject_feedback_label"= "Feedback";
"subject_feature_suggestion_label"= "Feature Suggestion";
"subject_complaint_label"= "Complaint";
"subject_other_label"= "Other...";
"feed_is_empty_title"= "Your Feed is Empty";
"icon_left_text"= "Tap the";
"icon_right_text"= "icon to start a";
"icon_bottom_text"= "new conversation with us.";
"second_paragraph_text"= "You can use this section to \n ask questions or send feedback";
"message_sending" = "Message Sending...";
"message_sent" = "Message Sent";
"message_failed" = "No Internet Connection";
"try_again" = "Try Again?";
"other_subject_hint" = "Please describe your message";
"reached_bottom_of_feed" = "You have reached the bottom of your feed.";
"pulsate_YOU_in_message_card" = "You";
Language Codes
Pulsate allows users to create Segments and Campaigns based on Device Language. The Pulsate SDK uses the ISO 639-1 Language Codes. A full list of codes can be found below
Language | ISO 639-1 |
Afar | aa |
Abkhazian | ab |
Afrikaans | af |
Akan | ak |
Albanian | sq |
Amharic | am |
Arabic | ar |
Aragonese | an |
Armenian | hy |
Assamese | as |
Avaric | av |
Avestan | ae |
Aymara | ay |
Azerbaijani | az |
Bashkir | ba |
Bambara | bm |
Basque | eu |
Belarusian | be |
Bengali | bn |
Biharilanguages | bh |
Bislama | bi |
Bosnian | bs |
Breton | br |
Bulgarian | bg |
Burmese | my |
Catalan,Valencian | ca |
Chamorro | ch |
Chechen | ce |
Chinese | zh |
ChurchSlavic,OldSlavonic,ChurchSlavonic,OldBulgarian,OldChurchSlavonic | cu |
Chuvash | cv |
Cornish | kw |
Corsican | co |
Cree | cr |
Czech | cs |
Danish | da |
Divehi,Dhivehi,Maldivian | dv |
Dutch,Flemish | nl |
Dzongkha | dz |
English | en |
Esperanto | eo |
Estonian | et |
Ewe | ee |
Faroese | fo |
Fijian | fj |
Finnish | fi |
French | fr |
WesternFrisian | fy |
Fulah | ff |
Georgian | ka |
German | de |
Gaelic,ScottishGaelic | gd |
Irish | ga |
Galician | gl |
Manx | gv |
Greek,Modern(1453-) | el |
Guarani | gn |
Gujarati | gu |
Haitian,HaitianCreole | ht |
Hausa | ha |
Hebrew | he |
Herero | hz |
Hindi | hi |
HiriMotu | ho |
Croatian | hr |
Hungarian | hu |
Igbo | ig |
Icelandic | is |
Ido | io |
SichuanYi,Nuosu | ii |
Inuktitut | iu |
Interlingue,Occidental | ie |
Interlingua(InternationalAuxiliaryLanguageAssociation) | ia |
Indonesian | id |
Inupiaq | ik |
Italian | it |
Javanese | jv |
Japanese | ja |
Kalaallisut,Greenlandic | kl |
Kannada | kn |
Kashmiri | ks |
Kanuri | kr |
Kazakh | kk |
CentralKhmer | km |
Kikuyu,Gikuyu | ki |
Kinyarwanda | rw |
Kirghiz,Kyrgyz | ky |
Komi | kv |
Kongo | kg |
Korean | ko |
Kuanyama,Kwanyama | kj |
Kurdish | ku |
Lao | lo |
Latin | la |
Latvian | lv |
Limburgan,Limburger,Limburgish | li |
Lingala | ln |
Lithuanian | lt |
Luxembourgish,Letzeburgesch | lb |
Luba-Katanga | lu |
Ganda | lg |
Macedonian | mk |
Marshallese | mh |
Malayalam | ml |
Maori | mi |
Marathi | mr |
Malay | ms |
Malagasy | mg |
Maltese | mt |
Mongolian | mn |
Nauru | na |
Navajo,Navaho | nv |
Ndebele,South,SouthNdebele | nr |
Ndonga | nd |
ng | |
Nepali | ne |
NorwegianNynorsk,Nynorsk,Norwegian | nn |
Bokmål,Norwegian,NorwegianBokmål | nb |
Norwegian | no |
Chichewa,Chewa,Nyanja | ny |
Occitan(post1500),Provençal | oc |
Ojibwa | oj |
Oriya | or |
Oromo | om |
Ossetian,Ossetic | os |
Panjabi,Punjabi | pa |
Persian | fa |
Pali | pi |
Polish | pl |
Portuguese | pt |
Pushto,Pashto | ps |
Quechua | qu |
Romansh | rm |
Romanian,Moldavian,Moldovan | ro |
Rundi | rn |
Russian | ru |
Sango | sg |
Sanskrit | sa |
Sinhala,Sinhalese | si |
Slovak | sk |
Slovenian | sl |
NorthernSami | se |
Samoan | sm |
Shona | sn |
Sindhi | sd |
Somali | so |
Sotho,Southern | st |
Spanish,Castilian | es |
Sardinian | sc |
Serbian | sr |
Swati | ss |
Sundanese | su |
Swahili | sw |
Swedish | sv |
Tahitian | ty |
Tamil | ta |
Tatar | tt |
Telugu | te |
Tajik | tg |
Tagalog | tl |
Thai | th |
Tibetan | bo |
Tigrinya | ti |
Tonga(TongaIslands) | to |
Tswana | tn |
Tsonga | ts |
Turkmen | tk |
Turkish | tr |
Twi | tw |
Uighur,Uyghur | ug |
Ukrainian | uk |
Urdu | ur |
Uzbek | uz |
Venda | ve |
Vietnamese | vi |
Volapük | vo |
Welsh | cy |
Walloon | wa |
Wolof | wo |
Xhosa | xh |
Yiddish | yi |
Yoruba | yo |
Zhuang,Chuang | za |
Zulu | zu |