Pulsate enables you to track actions that your user's have taken within your app by setting custom events. You can track these custom events to get a better idea of the customer journey within your app. You can also deliver targeted campaigns to users based on their actions within the app.


Custom Event Campaign Example

You create a campaign with a coupon for a variety of clothes. You decide to show this campaign on didPressClothesButton event trigger. When user clicks on the Clothes section button, you send a didPressClothesButton event through the SDK. The server will take care of the rest and deliver your campaign to the user.

To enable Pulsate to track these events, use the createEvent: method on the Pulsate Manager object:

[pulsateManager createEvent:@"didPressClothesButton"];

Once those custom events have been set, every time a user completes that action, it will be recorded by Pulsate and you can chooses those events in the Targeting section when you are sending a campaign.