Pulsate enables you to track actions that your user's have taken within your app by setting custom events. You can use track these custom events to get a better idea of the customer journey within your app and you can also deliver targeted campaigns to users based on their actions within the app.


Custom Event Campaign Example

You create a campaign for users interested in taking a loan. You decide to show this campaign on didPressLoanButton event trigger. When user clicks on the Loan section button, you send an didPressLoanButton event through the SDK. The server will take care of the rest and deliver your campaign to the user.

Simple Events

Simple events allow you to send events with only their name. To track simple events, use the createEvent: method on the Pulsate Manager object:

val pulsateManager = PulsateFactory.getInstance()

Once those custom events have been set, every time a user completes that action, it will be recorded by Pulsate and you can choose those events in the Targeting Section when you are building a campaign.

Revenue Events

Revenue Events allow you to send events with their name, currency and value. To track simple events, use the createRevenueEvent: method on the Pulsate Manager object:

val pulsateManager = PulsateFactory.getInstance()
val revenueEvent = PulsateRevenueEvent("Loan", 10000.0, PulsateRevenueEvent.PulsateCurrency.USD)

Once those custom events have been set, every time a user completes that action, it will be recorded by Pulsate and you can choose those events in the Targeting Section when you are building a campaign. These events additionally show up in the Campaign Stats to allow tracking Campaign Revenue.