Description for payload
key | type | descritpion | Example |
id | string | Campaign ID | 5ae085984753364a280b0000 |
last_builder_page | string | "" | |
name | boolean | The name of the campaign. | PushNotification Campaign (segment) |
type | string | The campaign's type determining elements required or banned for creation. One of ["CardPushNotificationCampaign"]. | PushNotificationCampaign |
guid | string | Unique Guid Identifier for campaign | -LNW23F4 |
start_at | string | The date to start campaign delivery. The acceptable format is: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ss" | 2020-03-18T12:00:00+00:00 |
start_now | boolean | true | |
end_at | string | The date to remove campaign's content from user's inbox. The date to stop campaign delivery. The acceptable format is: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ss" . Must not be passed alongside with "expiry_time_value". | 2016-05-14T13:15:00 |
created_at | string | Date campaign was created at | 2018-04-25T13:41:44Z |
updated_at | Date campaign was updated at | 2018-04-25T13:41:44Z | |
delivered_at | string | Date campaign was delivered at | 2020-04-20T13:25:29+00:00 |
thumbnail_url | string | Thumbnail url for email campaign (preview) stored on AWS S3 | |
image_url | string | Image url for email campaign (preview) stored on AWS S3 | |
status | string | Current state of campaign ("Draft", "Paused", "Delivered", "Scheduled", "Active", "Active", "Active", "Active") | Delivered |
state | string | Current state of campaign ("initial", "active", "draft", "paused", "stopped", "scheduled") | stopped |
state_machine_notifications_state | string | finished | |
allow_reply | boolean | Allow users to reply to this campaign. Must not be present for simple flow campaigns. | false |
broadcast_type | string | segment | |
campaign_expiry | boolean | false | |
campaign_limits | boolean | false | |
delivery | string | current | |
expiry_date | string | The date to remove campaign's content from user's inbox. The date to stop campaign delivery. The acceptable format is: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ss". Must not be passed alongside with "expiry_time_value". | 2016-05-14T13:15:00 |
expiry_time_frame | string | A unit of the time after which (from delivery) campaign's content will be removed from user's inbox. Ignored if "expiry_date" was passed. | minutes |
expiry_time_value | integer | The time after which (from delivery) campaign's content will be removed from user's inbox. Must not be used alongside with "expiry_date". | 2 |
hidden | boolean | Whether campaign is hidden in portal or not | false |
hidden_at | string | Date on which campaign was hidden | 2021-04-25T13:41:44Z |
time_frame | string | A unit of the time after which (from first delivery) user will be able to get the campaign again when meeting the criteria. | minutes |
time_value | integer | The time after which (from first delivery) user will be able to get the campaign again when meeting the criteria. | 4 |
time_zone_name | string | The time zone name for better campaign delivery setup. The list of available values can be found here: | Europe/Berlin |
time_zone_offset | integer | Timezone offset compared to UTC | 2 |
time_windows | Object | [ { "_id": { "$oid": "60df18a16a61676b73170000" }, "created_at": null, "end_at": "15:00", "start_at": "14:00", "updated_at": null, "week_day": "Thursday" } ] | |
notification_template | string | ||
push_notification | Object | Push notification associated with campaign (if applicable) | { body_template: campaign.body_template, category: campaign.category, destination: campaign.destination, destination_type: campaign.destination_type, subtitle_template: campaign.subtitle_template, title_template: campaign.title_template, } |
sms_notification | Object | SMS notification associated with campaign (if applicable) | { body_template:body_template } |
email_notification | Object | Email notification associated with campaign (if applicable) | { from_name: campaign.from_name, origin_template_id: campaign.origin_template_id, source: campaign.source, subject: campaign.subject, html: campaign.html, design:, } |
goals_attributes | Object | { primary: goal.primary, event_kind: goal.event_kind, expiry_time_unit: goal.expiry_time_unit, expiry_time_value: goal.expiry_time_value, event_identifier: goal.event_identifier, } | |
control_group | integer | Percentage of people in control group | 10 |
group_ids | Array of strings | [ "5ae085b84753364a20140000"," 5ae085b84753364a20140000" ] | |
beacon_ids | Array of strings | [ "5ae085b84753364a20140000"," 5ae085b84753364a20140000" ] | |
geofence_ids | Array of strings | [ "5ae085b84753364a20140000"," 5ae085b84753364a20140000" ] | |
segment_ids | Array of strings | [ "5ae085b84753364a20140000"," 5ae085b84753364a20140000" ] | |
beacon_events | Array of strings | ||
geofence_events | Array of strings | ||
in_app_event_names | Array of strings | ||
geofence_dwelling_times | Object | A set of geofence ids and their corresponding dwelling time in seconds on which campaign will trigger. Value has to be between (1-60 minutes). This is only set for geofence events that were set to 'dwell'. | |
subscriptions_count | integer | Count of number of users associated with this campaign | 4 |
display_type | string | Shorcut for campaign type | Push |
target | string | Segments (1) | |
type_list | Array of strings | Array of shortened campaign types | [ "push" ] |